1) Give back what you don't need.
If you are given too many of something, don't just throw it away, but return it. You can also say no to receiving it in the first place (extra Creamer, Napkins etc.)
2) Reuse rather than recycle.
Recycling is good but it's not the ultimate answer. Reusing containers, bags and other items will make a much bigger impact than recycling ever will.
3) Bring your own bags.
Keep cloth or other durable bags in your car or purse so that you can use these rather than asking for plastic or paper bags. This conserves energy and our environment. Stores will give discounts to customers who bring their own bags. It takes 1,000 years to break down a plastic bag in a landfill.
4) Consume what is on your plate or split a meal.
Be responsible and eat what you order. If you can't eat what is in front of you, than split it with a friend and next time order less.
5) Say No Thanks to free / cheap things that you won't use.
You don't have to accept what is given to you
especially if you won't use it. Free or cheap plastic junk is everywhere and you can say no to it. Don't support those 25 or 50 cent vending machines even if your kids beg you, instead give them a hug.
6) Buy Organic.
Support healthy and sustainable planet by buying organic. Organics are healthier for you, taste better and will help save our planet.
7) Invent and support sustainable / reusable products.
Our throwaway society will eventually pollute and destroy our earth so there is nothing left for our children. Support products that are sustainable and
reusable. Better yet, invent something yourself, spread the word and change the world.
8) Reward good behavior.
Breaking out of mind patterns that will eventually destroy our planet is difficult. We Are so prone to doing things automatically that we don't even think about the ramifications. Instead of ordering a cup of coffee to go and discarding the cup and plastic lid, bring your own mug. Discounts for good behavior can be a way to break these mind sets.
9) Make your waste usable - Positively effect our Environment.
Instead of taking the easy way out and discarding waste in your garbage, see if you can find a use for it. You can also find ways to make your final product / container positively affect our environment (i.e. cardboard cups that have seeds and can be planted)
10) Use electronic communication / marketing where possible.
Where ever possible, use electronic communication rather than cards or brochures. This may put a dent into Hallmark or Kinkos profits, but it can help save our planet.
11) Speak Up / Question Harmful Company behavior.
If you see something that is just plain wrong than inquiry, speak up. You can write a letter (or better yet email them or submit online feedback) to the CEO of the company to let them know that as a customer you do not like their practices. Remember you have more power than you think. You can always opt to support their competition.
12) Sometimes the Hard Way is The Best Way. Life is not meant to be easy.
There are plenty of opportunities to take the easy way out and just along with society. Yet, you must break this trend and do what is right and just not what is the easiest.
12) Green up your home.
Replace your cleaning products with eco-friendly brands; eliminate lawn pesticides; rethink and reuse what you have in your home; use an air purifier & leave your shoes at the front door.
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